1 roof greening to consider the roof load. This is related to security issues. The bearing capacity of the building is limited by the Liang Banzhu foundation, the foundation and the bearing capacity of the foundation under the Roof Garden (Lv Hua). As the bearing capacity of the building directly affects the level of the housing construction, the allowable load of the roof is limited by the cost, only in a certain range, especially for the original roof design of buildings for roof greening, more attention should be paid to the roof. Such Roof Garden (Lv Hua) average load can only be controlled within a certain range. In order to solve this problem, substrate cultivation should be used. Such as: the use of roof greening dedicated no soil lawn, in the production of no soil lawn, you can adjust the matrix according to the need to use the same thickness of the soil layer, so as to replace the roof greening, thereby greatly reducing the roof load.
2 roof greening to consider leakage problem. Due to the vegetation under the long-term to maintain a moist, and has the acid, alkali, salt corrosion, will cause long-term damage to the waterproof layer. At the same time, the root system of the roof will invade the waterproof layer, damage the roof structure, causing leakage. Leak proof roof garden and a difficulty is: with soil and green covering on the roof, if the leakage, it is very difficult to find leak where, it is difficult to cure.
3 roof greening to consider design issues. One is the architectural design should consider the special requirements of the roof greening, such as bearing roof, the roof leak, lighting, for drainage, and leakproof etc. thoughtful as possible; the second is the roof garden design to local conditions. Roof garden area is not large, to within a limited area of the roof sculptures, Garden Road, lights, pools, fountains, flowers and trees, pavilions, sketch, architectural style and exquisite binding.
4 roof greening to take into account the roof of the environment, the problem of poor plant survival. Plants to grow on the roof is not easy, because the ecological environment factors of the roof and the ground has a clear difference, light, temperature, humidity, wind and so on with the increase in the level of a different. For example: the roof of the sun radiation intensity, heat, the heat of the storm, the temperature difference between day and night. So it is necessary to select the plant species which is suitable for the growth environment of the roof according to the plant growth characteristics. Should choose the cold, heat, drought, barren, vigorous trees and flowers. The best choice of flowers bag planting seedlings, in order to ensure survival.
5 roof greening to take into account the cultivation of substrate problems. Traditional soil is not only heavy weight, but also easy to lose, if the soil is too thin, extremely easy to dry, the growth and development of plants. If the soil layer is thick, it can meet the plant growth, but the roof can not bear. Therefore, we should use the light texture of the non - soil matrix to replace the soil. You can directly use the nutrition bag cultivation of flowers and soilless lawn blanket.
6 roof greening to consider the problem of plant collocation. Roof garden area is not large, the growth of green plants and roof specific environmental constraints, the varieties to choose. Generally appropriate to the lawn, the appropriate collocation shrubs, bonsai, to avoid the use of tall trees, but also to attach importance to the application of aromatic and color plants. Do well-proportioned color collocation height density, reasonable and harmonious.
7 roof greening to consider the problem of management and maintenance. After the completion of the roof garden maintenance, mainly is refers to the main garden scenery of all kinds of lawn, is, flowers and trees of the maintenance and management as well as the roof hydropower facilities and a roof waterproof and drainage work. Due to the high level of residential roof is generally no stairs, only a small entrance, it is difficult to go up operation, and therefore the public Roof garden should be a full-time staff to the garden green management experience.
Above, it is the roof greening in the actual operation of the need to pay attention to the problem, in order to promote the process of urban ecological civilization, need more three-dimensional green appeared in our city, for our city spectrum more green movement!