Nanning city roof greening mode to explore the results achieved

Roof greening can be simply understood as the roof of all types of buildings, balconies, roof planting trees flowers, which is not only a green space to develop, save land, open up the effective way of urban space, but also the perfect combination of architectural art and garden art, in the protection of urban environment, improve the quality of living environment plays an important role. This particular form of greening in urban land increasingly tense, urban heat island effect is becoming more and more obvious, has gradually attracted the attention of the construction industry, and carried out a lot of research. Guangxi building science research and Design Institute, Huaqiang Road Primary School and other units have carried out beneficial exploration in this respect.

Pattern of a combination of roof greening

Into XiXiangTang District, North Road is located in the Guangxi Institute of building research design residential area built Keyuan, this reporter saw the first around the second floor are vacated a small balcony, terrace planted with rows of green plants. According to reports, the two floor building Keyuan is used as office space, is used to build a small terrace along the street landscape. According to the design, this landscape belt will use the vertical greening of planting, to create a green wall, from the visual sense of increase in visual.

In the stairs to the two floor, the same set of vertical green wall, let people feel the green everywhere. Came to the two floor, the reporter saw a beautiful landscape. Bougainvillea tracts of Manila grass, blooming, and slender vine, the whole platform with a big garden. The area of building green more than that, the roof of the four main residential building are set to the small garden, just a building floor, can see the roof covered with a variety of Manila grass, cycads, Mandarin, jasmine plant flowers.

According to the introduction, the whole three-dimensional greening projects by the Guangxi Institute of science and the subordinate departments of — — environmental art design and construction design institute. The Design Institute of engineer Ceng Jiejing said: “ the concept of roof greening, we have done this project design, as the construction industry research and design agency, we will work itself as a research subject, a lot of research and testing. & rdquo; it is understood, had Jiejing and his design team at the beginning, in the old office building planted lots of different kinds of plants, and temperature change of the contrast in the office building and plant growth, culminating in the construction design of roof greening in Keyuan area.

Mode two lawn type roof green

As the Xingning trade zone bainianlaoxiao, Huaqiang road primary school can be said to be equivalent. The roof of school sports and arts building has a green area of 320 square meters, far look like a soccer field.

Cross into this roof green, found that the green plant, like a jade lobular, neat appearance, densely covered the whole roof. According to reports, the plant is called Sedum lineare, Sedum lineare growth adaptability is strong, cold, drought, salinity, barren tolerance, resistance to pests and diseases, stem meat juicy. Because of Sedum light weight, less investment and maintenance, in recent years has been widely used for roof greening planting.

According to experts, Sedum lineare oxygen is 30 times that of the general plant, the dust in the air has a strong suction capability, can effectively eliminate the PM2.5 pollution of air, is recognized as the ace of roof greening plants.

According to the school office of general affairs director Lee introduced, last year the government investment of 400 million yuan, the school Wailimian green landscape of the comprehensive transformation of the campus greening of the environment has been further improved. At present, the school has planted a mango tree, coconut king, Ficus microcarpa, almond trees, such as a variety of southern style trees dozens of strains, bonsai and hundreds of pots beds 32. And to economical use of land, the school's Green take three-dimensional planting, through artificial rockery mountain landscape, vines planted in the cultural corridor, fully demonstrate the combination of landscape and architecture.

Experts: green roofs to too observant of conventional standards.

Living in the city, the city has been plagued by heat island effect, can enjoy the beautiful scenery in the surrounding buildings, enjoy the fresh air, which is a wonderful thing. But a lot of people are worried that: with the growth of plants, the roof will damage the structure of the building itself, the threat of personal safety?

Ceng Jiejing explained: “ after research and testing, roof greening has a certain extent, and the current landscape of the relevant laws and regulations also made a clear construction requirements. The roof greening construction is mainly from the plant and the floor of the distance, plant nursing, plant selection in strict accordance with the requirements of the implementation, is completely can create a comfortable and pleasant garden in the air.

Construction of roof greening and plant species should be graceful, short, shallow roots, strong wind resistance of the flowering shrubs, small trees, flower bulbs and perennials. As the root of perennial woody plant is very strong, it should be determined according to the thickness of overburden. In the roof greening plant nursing, nutritional matrix was selected to the green environmental protection, no pest source body and try to light, but not too loose nutrient fertilizers to ensure proper nutrition needed by plants during the growth period. Plant nutrition surplus of natural no, if neglect of care, plants would to building & ldquo; & rdquo; nutrition, the root extension to the wall of the gap, endanger the building.

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