It is understood, in the building roof Co. special space. Plants are not grounded, plant rhizosphere temperature on the high side, roof greening plants oversummering and overwintering is the key. Because some plants of the cold, the summer is the need to protect the soil against the root system, the damage will affect the growth, when the plant growth weakened, the infection rate is high, the management is relatively large, the cost will be greater.
Compared to the roof of the natural growth of plants and ground the natural growth of plants, the formation of the unique biological and ecological characteristics: plant is low, bushy fleshy, more developed root system and shallow root, usually green late withered early, flower small and short flowering period. Green conservation conditions are more stringent. Should choose drought resistance, like wet, fibrous root system, large flowers, low expansion and slow plant species.
Don't in the flower pot or in the original soil planting, according to professionals for roof greening plants in roof greening, evergreen shrub optional Ligustrum, Buxus microphylla, Euonymus japonicus, seeds boxwood, etc.; deciduous shrub optional wisteria and Parthenocissus quinquefolia, rose, clove, Bauhinia, winter jasmine, Ligustrum quihoui, Chinese flowering crabapple; herb can mix sowing with bluegrass, perennial ryegrass and tall fescue.