

The brand operation system of the international advanced, powerful brand influence, leading chain of more than 30 years of experience.

二、open up channels for the partner, a wide range of cooperation

Single stores to join (Agile Alliance policy, independent promotion plan)
Shopping malls counters, special room (Agile Alliance policy, independent promotion plan)
In city based regional brand developers (overall responsibility for the PROGEN brand in specific areas of the terminal building, brand promotion)

三、low-risk, zero-inventory

Perfect return mechanism, a flexible, independent sales policy, ensure the franchisee low risk, zero inventory.

四、Open franchisee and company information channel

Powerful ERP terminal data management system, leading international provider of point-of-sale and command channel information feedback mechanism, achieved between franchisees and the company, and efficient communication of information.

五、new branding concept and business model

Companies in addition to conventional TV advertising, newspaper advertising, outdoor advertising, Web promotion, and national hundreds of powerful media to establish a strategic partnership and jointly promote the PROGEN brand development; Moreover the company still will be based on the specific circumstances of each store, a shop and a branding strategy and marketing planning support.

六、more logistics base, rapid, low-cost logistics distribution

PROGEN regional logistics center in national primary logistics hub city, plate-type logistics, sophisticated logistics management, guarantee the franchisee to fast, efficient logistics support.

七、professional, comprehensive site opening support

Before the opening of the new, assigned to practitioners to help the site layout, mentoring, professional planning team provides a full range of business planning support.

八、Professional, using a single store operation, management training

Company specific conditions according to shop systems, efficient shop management process, and Manager and guide staff on a regular basis carry out targeted training.

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