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Three shijiazi rural education foundation ceremony

On March 15, 2013, funded by the Shenyang group founded by "three Township Education Foundation" was founded, and at 10 o'clock in the morning in sanjiazi village middle school library grants donation ceremony was held, zhangbaoen, Deputy General Manager of the Shenyang group present at the ceremony and delivered a speech. Donation ceremony was presided over by three Township Deputy Party Secretary Chen Junguo, Xiang Yu Yong, Secretary of Mayor Zhang XinQuan and other leaders to attend. The donation, three central primary school, 14 students, and three 10 middle school students and 2 three of the Township poor high school students in reading, won the 1000, 2000 and 6000, depending on their financial aid.

Shenyang group first established on the basis of charity, to serve the community for the purpose of early and Shenyang chemical industry College, Shenyang jianzhu University and other universities, and grants and scholarships. Today's "three Township Education Foundation" was founded in Shenyang invested in education more widely. The future, Shenyang group will carry out more activities to help more people in need of help.

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