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2015 spring joint fire drill

2015 spring joint fire drill

To further enhance employees ' awareness of fire safety, improve combat skills, May 25 staff joint fire-fighting Squadron fire emergency drills were held.

Award Ceremony cum

Award Ceremony cum "moved to the wind" theme party successfully held

In 2013, the labour day, blue skies, flowers fragrance, Shenyang 2012-presentation ceremony was held at 3 o'clock in the afternoon in the open-air site, more than 400 employees of the parent company in Shenyang and Changchun, Harbin part the staff representatives to attend the awards ceremony, at a ceremony held after the special staff barbecue, entertainment shows and other activities.

Three shijiazi rural education foundation ceremony

Three shijiazi rural education foundation ceremony

On March 15, 2013, funded by the Shenyang group founded by "three Township Education Foundation" was founded, and at 10 o'clock in the morning in sanjiazi village middle school library grants donation ceremony was held, zhangbaoen, Deputy General Manager of the Shenyang group present at the ceremony and delivered a speech.

To participate in building energy efficiency Exhibition

To participate in building energy efficiency Exhibition

On March 26, 2015, the 13th session of the building energy conservation and thermal insulation materials and equipment exhibition held in Liaoning industrial Exhibition Hall. Industrial group to debut a new look at the show.

Hot springs, ski -

Hot springs, ski - "Rainbow Night" winter tour

Cut like a knife, but sunny winter months, downwind gongchangling Winter Tour started, for several days and nights of tossing binge, makes us different backache and more comfort, relax, how can a "cool" word get!

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