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Oil and gas reform program has been reported in the oil and gas pipeline network asset stripping

Recently, natural gas pipeline assets will split the message again. Near the end of the oil and gas reforms pending, the oil and gas industry "Thirteen-Five" plans in the works.

On December 11, the national development and Reform Commission and Director of research, said Shi Zihai said reforms in key industries such as oil, natural gas, salt has been submitted to the State Council, the anti-monopoly undertakings have completed the first draft of the Guide, the next step will be for the public for comments.

Meanwhile, reporter learned that, according to people close to the energy Bureau of the national development and Reform Commission, said the country will be published in the near future the "Thirteen-Five" plan, long distance natural gas pipeline would be split off, setting up an independent pipeline companies regulated by the State.

NCR SI Chen Yunying, natural gas analyst told reporters, and "Thirteen-Five" in planning there should be separation of network-related provisions, groundwork for upstream and downstream in the late reform, but it is not easy to implement, is likely to follow the way of pipe sold in Central Asia, starting with PetroChina was spun off.

The end of November, PetroChina announced the sale of 50% of Central Asian natural gas pipeline assets, traded at about 15 billion-15.5 billion yuan in matching dollars.

Need to mention is that counterparties, sold PetroChina gas pipelines in Central Asia —— background of new international though still State-owned enterprises, but also a step towards the direction of network independent.

Move is believed to be in the industry in the oil and gas pipeline assets to the official launch.

At that time, the oil industry insiders told reporters, even though the deal only involves pipeline assets abroad, but PetroChina is a small step of the transfer of assets is expected to be the plan.

Subsequently, the media reported that PetroChina is ready to sell part of its domestic pipeline quality natural gas assets, but this message is not from oil soon.

CITIC Securities believes that the internal integration of natural gas and raw materials sales of PetroChina, external to reorganize the Central Asia pipeline assets in order to conform to the national requirements of gas pipeline is one of market-oriented reforms. Future may start restructuring its gas pipeline assets.

CICC, said Guan Bin, an analyst, PetroChina will further sell pipeline interests in China in the future, so as to get more disposable income. Estimates there are transactions that took place before the end of May this year, follow-up is also expected to launch a series of pipe plate reorganization and equity transfer, and the deal is only the first step in recombination.

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