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Chemical Industrial Park to regulate the development of opinions released led more than 400 billion investment needs

Reporters today learned from the Ministry of industry and information, the guidance relating to the promotion of orderly development of chemical parks (the opinions of) has been officially released. Industry believes that this work could drive about 400 billion yuan of machinery and equipment requirements and information needs of the 60 billion-80 billion yuan.

Tianjin after the explosion, hazardous chemicals industry into the public eye, chemical industrial park development is inseparable from governance of hazardous chemicals enterprises.

NBS figures show that in 2014, 88.46 million tons of sulfuric acid, caustic soda production 30.59 million tons of soda ash, 25.14 million tons of synthetic ammonia 57.45 million tonnes (in 2013). Above 4 is included in the general industrial statistics, dangerous chemicals, after years of rapid development, the main hazardous chemicals production in China ranked first in the world.

To the views put forward, is strictly prohibited at the ecological red line areas, nature reserves and drinking water source protection areas and the construction of basic farmland conservation area and other environmentally sensitive areas in the Park. New Park shall be consistent with national, provincial, regional and municipal industrial layout planning requirements, in the city or town within the scope defined in the General Plan of construction land, in line with the overall land use planning and environmental protection plan, established pursuant to the relevant provisions of the State median, away from populated areas in principle, and the surrounding neighborhoods to maintain adequate safety and health protection zone.

Views also requires considering prevailing wind direction, lying level drop, Park enterprises, production unit, warehouse of hazardous chemicals interact, first-aid, product categories, production processes, material for each other, factors such as protection of public facilities, and arrange the Park Zoning, meet the requirements of safety distances. Has been completed and put into use the Park every 5 years to carry out an overall security risk evaluation.

Set the Park dangerous chemicals in vehicle parking, car wash, the implementation of limited-time speed limit. Encourages the use of Internet technology to monitor the vehicles of dangerous chemicals.

According to the diagnostic investigation of relevant provinces by the Ministry, in accordance with the requirements of specification development, an initial estimate of industry-wide relocation and renovation projects with a total investment of more than 800 billion yuan, can also bring about 400 billion worth of machinery and equipment requirements and information needs of 60 billion ~800 billion, at the same time promote the development of hazardous chemicals, industry upgrading, for expanding the role of demand, stimulating investment are obvious.

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