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Methanol industry clear environmental protection upgrade ideas

December 16-17th, nitrogenous fertilizer industry association was held in Beijing, China in 2015 n the methanol industry experience sessions. China's nitrogenous fertilizer industry association President Gu Zongqin extended technique, study withdrawal mechanism, improving the emission standards for nitrogen fertilizer, methanol industry upgrading of environmental protection as a whole.

Gu Zongqin pointed out that "Thirteen-Five" period, nitrogen fertilizer, methanol industry environment protection situation facing tighter and tighter. The water pollution prevention and control plan of action and the plan of action for the prevention of air pollution, the CPC Central Committee for formulating national economic and social development of the 13th five-year plan for all the nitrogen fertilizer, methanol and other traditional manufacturing green suggested by the new requirements. Executive meeting of the State Council on December 2 decision before 2020 comprehensive implementation of ultra low emission coal-fired units, does not comply with the relevant mandatory standards firmly out of shutdown. Therefore, nitrogen fertilizer, methanol, companies must also be prepared in advance and environmental upgrades.

Gu Zongqin believes that China's environmental protection efforts of nitrogen fertilizer, methanol industry clean production, reduced emissions, green development, you should do the following:

Speed up technological upgrading, continuing to promote raw material structure adjustment. Encourages and supports qualified enterprises reform of raw material route of nitrogen fertilizer, actively sought financial support of relevant State departments. At present, 20 companies have been reporting improvement projects. If this work completed, expected replacement of upgraded ammonia capacity 7.5 million ~800 million tons/year, with a anthracite as raw materials for ammonia capacity increases by about 10%.

Speeding up eco-renovation, actively promoting advanced and applicable technologies. Encourage and support enterprises to adopt advanced clean production technologies, advancing the transformation of the old green; urban built-up areas in or near the eco-renovation, relocation of enterprises; speed up the application of advanced water saving water technology. At present, China's nitrogenous fertilizer industry association is organizing industry the fertilizer, methanol production water and wastewater treatment programme for the ultra low emission technology and the nitrogen fertilizer, methanol production air pollution treatment technology transformation programme.

Speed up technical innovation, active research technology. Speeding up the development of new non-phosphorous water treatment agent, depth of high strength ammonia wastewater with high COD and salt, high concentrated salt water treatment technology of waste water reuse. Research cyanide gas washing process of phenol pollution transfer of phenol and cyanide, ammonia escaping ammonia desulphurization of flue gas in boiler problems of governance; research and development of homemade nitrate nitrous oxide emission reduction technology and test instruments, and so on.

Study on the exit mechanism, lead the industry of outdated capacity exit. Encourages does not have the raw materials (coal, natural gas), resources (water), advantage enterprises, environmental capacity-constrained enterprises, and little hope of recovery declared corporate initiative to withdraw from.

Also, China n industrial association also will speed up advance chemical fertilizers industrial atmosphere pollutants emissions standard, n water type enterprise standard, ammonia, and urea and methanol take water fixed and coal chemical industrial pollutants emissions standard, standard developed, led established industry sewage statistics platform, continues to advance industry within and industry between cycle economic construction, recognition in energy-saving, and emissions aspects made highlight results of units and made outstanding contribution of personal.

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