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Start control mechanism for the joint development of Beijing Tianjin Hebei pesticide management zone

19th, Xinhua learned from the Beijing Municipal Bureau of agriculture, pesticide management in three areas of Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei joint control joint development mechanism was officially launched. In future, from pesticide production, sales, use, sampling to pesticide residues in agricultural products, all of the three joint control. In addition, the quality of pesticides and pesticide residues in vegetables of the three sampling results implementation of the mutual recognition system, once the problem found that vegetables and other agricultural products remain excessive pesticides, pesticides, three places at the same time under the plane.

Beijing City agricultural Council Deputy Secretary yanxiaojun introduced, three to building pesticide management defense joint control collaborative development mechanism, aimed at gradually reduced three to pesticide of using number, is strictly prohibited high HIV pesticide, and ban limited with pesticide in Garden, and Orchard, crop planting regional spray, vigorously promoted "pesticide using volume zero", guarantees Beijing Jin JI three to agricultural production security, and agricultural quality security and agricultural ecological environment security.

Municipal Bureau of agriculture plant protection station in charge, in order to ensure that farmers with high quality and low toxicity pesticides, in the future, three areas of Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei will promptly inform the pesticide market inspection, detection and enforcement information, joint pesticide risk assessment and assessment to determine pesticide regulation of key species, key areas and regulatory measures to prevent regulatory gaps at the junction of the three places.

In addition, three areas of Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei are actively exploring cross-regional collaborative mechanism for handling the case, would focus on improving pesticide sampling quality, especially at the intersection of three to develop pesticide sampling quality, cracking down on fake and inferior pesticides, as long as the party identified problems, three places lower. Meanwhile, three will also explore the bad faith and repeated breach of corporate blacklist management system, joint fight against illegal behavior.

Plant protection station of the charge, next to Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei will be a joint experimental study on restricted pesticide ban replaced, to promote bio-pesticides, carry out "pesticide reduction." Pesticide management in three areas of Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei will also be highly toxic, highly toxic pesticides the unified management, directory and establish a unified management system, implementation of sales traceability system.

On this basis, three areas of Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei will jointly build more green bases for vegetables, establishment of Jing-Jin-JI three cross-sampling or cross-testing mechanisms, three pesticide residues in vegetables and mutual recognition of test results and ensure a more secure consumer basket.

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